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Storytelling is not just another marketing buzzword but an effective branding tool to jumpstart a business, retain customers, and attract new strong leads. Join us to learn and discuss…

  • the basic elements of business storytelling.
  • how to create a compelling story.
  • how to collaborate with a writer to tell your story.
  • where (and when) to place your story to reach your audience.

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 Feature Speaker

Lea Byrd 2 Lea Byrd who launched her own PR consultancy to work on media projects including iconic film maker John Singleton’s Baby Boy and the late August Wilson’s ground- breaking play, King Hedley II. Since then, her clientele has become very diverse including luxury brands such as POLISH Nail Emporium and Pieces, a fashion boutique. Lea was Press Secretary for Roger Green, the assemblyman in Brooklyn’s 57th District. She has launched media campaigns for Black & Sexy, TV and film maker Nerfertite Nguvu (In The Morning) and N’Kenge  (Motown: The Musical) …


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