Part Two:
Are Leaders Born or Nurtured:
Five More Traits of Successful Leadership

Yes, you can learn enduring leadership skills to reach your business goals, reimagine your personal life and positively impact your circle of influence. Developing a new mindset and following through with honing critical skills is within your grasp.

We looked at five leadership traits last week—creativity, practicality, flexibility, humility and self-awareness. If you have some of these traits, you’re moving along the continuum of leadership. Here are five more crucial traits to nurture on your journey.  

  • Stay focused: If you have clear, realistic goals coupled with a strategic plan of how to achieve them, you have leadership potential.
  • Be willing to take a risk: Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Learn to assess the risks of doing something new. How much could you lose (not always monetarily) if you fail vs. how much more you might gain by engaging in a certain activity. Should you partner with a vetted entity, be the first to adopt a new technology in your sector; or even delay a product launch for a more favorable timeframe?
  • Be transparent: Strive to be truthful in everything you do or say. Admitting a mistake or shortcoming can keep your reputation intact.
  • Develop your people skills: Learn to listen…influence…empathize with others…and appreciate the value and contributions of others.
  • Commit to life-long learning: Leadership carries the weight of authority—being recognized as being an expert in your field, a go-to person or problem-solver. Stay tuned to developments in your field; keep abreast of business practices; and continually hone your communications skills—the underpinnings of true leadership.

Honing your leadership skills is a sure-fire way of taking your business to the next level. Whether you aspire to become a highly regarded solo entrepreneur or to successfully mentor an engaged team dedicated to achieving your vision, you can learn to effectively lead.      

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